Magna Voce

Meet Catalina Natalini.

She has been teaching interpretation at Magna Voce since 2009.

She supports people who want to become language interpreters to confidently pass their Oral Certification Exam and start a thriving career in interpretation.

She works in developing programs that combine theory and practice of interpretation. 

She is looking for students who:

1. want to learn interpretation in a supportive and nurturing environment

2. need a flexible schedule that fits their lifestyle

3. are ready to become thriving professional interpreters



Find out in a Success Interpreter Breakthrough Session
Catalina Natalini PNG

Catalina J. Natalini has always been passionate about languages and literature, and, in fact, holds a Master in English linguistics and Literature from the University of Zurich, Switzerland.

She has always loved teaching, and her teaching career began as a language teacher and evolved as adjunct professor at the Master of Translation and Interpretation at La Salle University. She has ample experience in curriculum development at the graduate level, and she currently is CEO at the Interpreter Success Academy by Magna Voce.

Her career as an interpreter started in 2004 in the legal medical and school settings. She got her certification as Court Interpreter in 2007. She has supported the profession in her roles as interpreter representative to the Delaware Court Interpreter Advisory Board, and as Delaware’s State Chair for IMIA.

When she is not interpreting or teaching interpretation, Catalina sits in meditation or in her garden relaxing.